I'm a print media girly and have bought magazines religiously since Mandy and Judy and Bunty when I was 10. I progressed to Shout and Mizz and then Bliss and Sugar then Just 17, teenvogue, ellegirl before finally stepping foot in to the glossy jungle of vogue, Elle, she, instyle et al. I worked as a marketing assistant then copy editor then girl about town for a Manchester based lifestyle glossy before the recession when I was made redundant. In time many of my favourites shut down. Now, I still buy my monthly magazines. Red is a favourite and I recently completed a 20 minute survey for it feeding back as my love for it has started to fade as it falls out of touch with its readers cost of living realities. I also buy Good housekeeping, Woman and Home, The Simple Things (my favourite), grazia, hello fashion. If I make it out of my village and in to the big smoke of the city, I pick up the matte covers of more indie brands. Carrie Bradshaw once said she skipped lunch to buy vogue because she felt it fed her more. Hyperbole but also oh so true! I'm a fashion lover (if not a fashion girly myself) and so I pore over images of beautiful things and imagine how I can add a little of that beauty and glamour to my own style and life in my own way (and on my own budget!)
I'm so glad print is back. It's been a friend since the very first issue of Mandy and Judy! And I cannot wait for Notes on Love in a Time of Heartbreak! Xxx
This is so perfectly said and well written!! I had all the nostalgia goosebumps reading this! Also the Sims cheat codes 😂
I feel like nostalgia is having a real moment right now and like this is my time to really shine because it’s kind of been my whole brand my whole life but I have no idea how to make good of it and yet I can see and feel people WANT that comfort and security of the things that used to make them feel good. I think it’s a brilliant time for you to launch your print magazine, congratulations!
Lastly, because I couldn’t turn my entrepreneur brain off, I thought it was so impressive how you did this, with this post being a really honestly well written article on its own then sharing about your own print magazine. I’m excited to watch it unfold and congrats again!!
Wow Angela this is such a gorgeous comment, THANK YOU!! Also glad I'm not the only one who has those sims cheat codes embedded into the core of my being lol
there was nothing better for me than collecting teen magazines when i was 13, the glossy pages, the horoscope section, fanmail, news, editorials, different covers... i had a collection of over 100 magazines of any kind and it made me look forward to each month, running to the kiosque and getting one...it definitely feels different!
hey! sorry for the slow reply - it's shipping from the UK to pretty much everywhere! Currently across the US/Canada/Australia and also across Europe <3
It's so exciting to see the cover of your Zine! I can't wait to get my hands on one. Also, it's high time I buy some subscriptions to some girly mags--- Gosh how I miss reading them in a bubble bath.
I've always absolutely loved magazines, I'm so sad a lot of the ones I've loved for years have now folded! Just got your zine today and can't wait to read it ❤️ going to curl up tomorrow with a cherry mocha, fresh pj's and read 🩷
Huge congratulations! I am *so* excited about your zine! There's truly something so special about holding a moment for yourself in your own two hands.
I have a monthly print newspaper, The Intentional Muse, and would love to collab on something for the print media girlies if it ever aligns for Notes On!
I'm a print media girly and have bought magazines religiously since Mandy and Judy and Bunty when I was 10. I progressed to Shout and Mizz and then Bliss and Sugar then Just 17, teenvogue, ellegirl before finally stepping foot in to the glossy jungle of vogue, Elle, she, instyle et al. I worked as a marketing assistant then copy editor then girl about town for a Manchester based lifestyle glossy before the recession when I was made redundant. In time many of my favourites shut down. Now, I still buy my monthly magazines. Red is a favourite and I recently completed a 20 minute survey for it feeding back as my love for it has started to fade as it falls out of touch with its readers cost of living realities. I also buy Good housekeeping, Woman and Home, The Simple Things (my favourite), grazia, hello fashion. If I make it out of my village and in to the big smoke of the city, I pick up the matte covers of more indie brands. Carrie Bradshaw once said she skipped lunch to buy vogue because she felt it fed her more. Hyperbole but also oh so true! I'm a fashion lover (if not a fashion girly myself) and so I pore over images of beautiful things and imagine how I can add a little of that beauty and glamour to my own style and life in my own way (and on my own budget!)
I'm so glad print is back. It's been a friend since the very first issue of Mandy and Judy! And I cannot wait for Notes on Love in a Time of Heartbreak! Xxx
agh i relate so much to this! i miss those days where you collected magazines like they were treasure!
“Go on, print whispers, go back in time. We dare you.” Yes. Please. ♥️💌
This is so perfectly said and well written!! I had all the nostalgia goosebumps reading this! Also the Sims cheat codes 😂
I feel like nostalgia is having a real moment right now and like this is my time to really shine because it’s kind of been my whole brand my whole life but I have no idea how to make good of it and yet I can see and feel people WANT that comfort and security of the things that used to make them feel good. I think it’s a brilliant time for you to launch your print magazine, congratulations!
Lastly, because I couldn’t turn my entrepreneur brain off, I thought it was so impressive how you did this, with this post being a really honestly well written article on its own then sharing about your own print magazine. I’m excited to watch it unfold and congrats again!!
Wow Angela this is such a gorgeous comment, THANK YOU!! Also glad I'm not the only one who has those sims cheat codes embedded into the core of my being lol
there was nothing better for me than collecting teen magazines when i was 13, the glossy pages, the horoscope section, fanmail, news, editorials, different covers... i had a collection of over 100 magazines of any kind and it made me look forward to each month, running to the kiosque and getting one...it definitely feels different!
it does!! woah, that was truly the golden age wasn't it 🥺
This post resonated so much! I'm also *just like the other girls.* What country is the zine shipping from/to?
hey! sorry for the slow reply - it's shipping from the UK to pretty much everywhere! Currently across the US/Canada/Australia and also across Europe <3
It's so exciting to see the cover of your Zine! I can't wait to get my hands on one. Also, it's high time I buy some subscriptions to some girly mags--- Gosh how I miss reading them in a bubble bath.
thank you so much Jackie!! and OH that makes me wish I had a bath!
WoW! Print media is back in demand!
I love print! And especially weekend newspapers with all their magazines and long reads… Makes me inspired, informed and calm.
same!! it's so grounding isn't it <3
I've always absolutely loved magazines, I'm so sad a lot of the ones I've loved for years have now folded! Just got your zine today and can't wait to read it ❤️ going to curl up tomorrow with a cherry mocha, fresh pj's and read 🩷
omg Angela I'm so excited that you've received it!! Also - cherry mocha + pjs is iconic. Love love LOVE! x
Yes to 'zines! I have missed getting them in the mail, buying them at the grocery store, and on street corner newsstands.
Fingers crossed print media can continue to strive to the point of it getting the admiration it used to have 🤞
i'm so ready for a print media revival!
aren't we all !!! <3
Paper is exactly the medium I recommend to my clients when they want to stand out! Such a great post!
oh that's so interesting! I just think it's such a cool, chic advertisement form at this point!!
I love everything about this 💖 I’m so excited for print to make its comeback.
ahh thank you Carrie!! (and so am I lol)
Huge congratulations! I am *so* excited about your zine! There's truly something so special about holding a moment for yourself in your own two hands.
I have a monthly print newspaper, The Intentional Muse, and would love to collab on something for the print media girlies if it ever aligns for Notes On!
ahhh this is so cool, I love that you have a monthly print newspaper!! <3